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Liability Waiver

All sessions are delivered on virtual platforms, including Skype, Google Meet, and Zoom. Services provided by Boost Your Mental Health are delivered by qualified people but are not a substitute for professional mental health care or medical care.

  • Clients receiving services from Boost Your Mental Health will understand that these sessions are not offered as a substitute for clinical mental health care or medical care.

    These sessions are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any mental health or medical conditions. You should understand that your therapist or coach is not acting as a medical professional.

  • You understand and agree that you are fully responsible for your own well-being during your sessions as well as your choices and decisions.
  • We will maintain your privacy at all times. If you have more than one therapist, your notes will be shared between these therapists so that they have the most up-to-date information to meet your needs. This will be completed in a confidential manner and those outside your circle of care will not be able to access your healthcare information.
  • You understand that all information and suggestions offered by your therapist or mental health coach are solely for the purpose of aiding you in achieving your defined goals. Our aim is to improve or enhance your mental wellbeing.
  • Prior to your first session, you will give informed consent. Informed consent is the permission granted in the knowledge of the possible consequences. In this case, you will give informed consent to your mental health coach or therapist with full knowledge of the possible risks and benefits. Please understand that your therapist or coach may recommend more complex treatment if it is noted that your sessions are not meeting your individual healthcare needs.
  • You have read and understood the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and other documentation related to confidentiality.
  • You understand that the use of technology is not always secure and accept the risks of confidentiality in the use of email, phone, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype, text messages, and other technology.
  • You hereby release, waive, acquit and forever discharge your therapist or coach, any agents, successors, assigns, personal representatives, executors, heirs and employees from every claim, suit action, demand or right to compensation for damages claimed or that you may have arising out of your own acts or omissions or acts and omissions of your Therapist/Coach as a result of any advice given otherwise resulting from the therapeutic/coaching relationship contemplated by this agreement. You further declare and represent that no promise, inducement or agreement not expressed in this agreement has been made.

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